Lin Yang - Homepage


Postdoc Fellow
Department of Computer Science, UMass, Amherst
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I'm a Postdoc Fellow in Department of Computer Science of UMass, Ahmerst, working with Professor Don Towsley and Mohammad Hajiesmaili. I got my PhD degree from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, supervised by Prof. Wing Shing Wong. Prior to that, I received my BEng and Msc degree in 2012 and 2015, respectively, both from University of Science and Techonology of China.


Research Interests

  • Performance Analysis, Modeling, and Algorithm Design for Computing Systems;

  • Learning Theory, Online Optimization


  • 12/2019. Our paper “Online Linear Optimization with Inventory Management Constraints“ is accepted to Sigmetrics 2020.

  • 09/2018. At the end of the month, I will start my new postition as a postdoc at the Information Engineering department of CUHK.

  • 08/2018. I passed my thesis defense. Great honor to have the outstanding dissertation committee: Tamer Basar, John C.S. Lui, Soung-chang Liew, Jianwei Huang, and my supervisor, Wing Shing Wong.



    1. On Robustifying Learning Algorithms for Non-stochastic Multi-armed Bandits.


    1. Stabilization of discrete time stochastic system with input delay and control dependent noise
      Cheng Tan, Lin Yang, Fangfang Zhang, Zhenqiang Zhang and Wing Shing Wong
      Systems & Control Letters, 2019, 123: 62--68.

    2. An Optimal Algorithm for Online Non-convex Learning
      Lin Yang, Lei Deng, Mohammad H. Hajiesmaili, Cheng Tan and Wing Shing Wong
      Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems (POMACS), 2018, 2(2): 25.
      (Also in ACM SIGMETRICS 2018)

    3. An average queue-length-difference-based congestion detection algorithm in TCP/AQM network.
      Jin Zhu, Tong Luo, Lin Yang, Wanqing Xie, and G. E. Dullerud.
      International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing. 2018.

    4. An Optimal Randomized Online Algorithm for QoS Buffer Management
      Lin Yang, Wing Shing Wong, and Mohammad H. Hajiesmaili.
      Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems (POMACS), 2017, 1(2): 36.
      (Also in ACM SIGMETRICS 2018)

    5. Gittins index based control policy for a class of pursuit-evasion problems.
      Cheng Tan, Changbao Xu, Lin Yang, and Wing Shing Wong.
      IET Control Theory and Applications, 12(1), 110-118, 2017.

    6. An optimal vertical handoff decision algorithm for multiple services with different priorities in heterogeneous wireless networks.
      Jin Zhu, Limin Xu, Lin Yang, Wanqing Xie
      Wireless Personal Communications 83 (1), 527-549, 2015.

    7. Time Series Analysis for Congestion Detection in TCP/AQM Networks.
      Lin Yang, Jin Zhu, Wanqing Xie, and G. E. Dullerud.
      IEEE Communications Letters, 19(3), 331-334, 2015.


    1. Online Linear Optimization with Inventory Management Constraints [PDF]
      Lin Yang, Mohammad Hajiesmaili, Ramesh Sitaraman, Adam Wierman, Enrique Mallada, Wing Shing Wong
      ACM SIGMETRICS (Full Paper), June 2020.

    2. Online Linear Programming with Uncertain Constraints
      Lin Yang, Mohammad H. Hajiesmaili, and Wing Shing Wong
      Proceedings of The 53rd Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS). 2019. (Invited Paper)

    3. An Optimal Algorithm for Online Non-convex Learning [PDF]
      Lin Yang, Lei Deng, Mohammad H. Hajiesmaili, Cheng Tan and Wing Shing Wong
      ACM SIGMETRICS (Full Paper), June 2018.

    4. An Optimal Randomized Online Algorithm for QoS Buffer Management [PDF]
      Lin Yang, Wing Shing Wong, and Mohammad H. Hajiesmaili.
      ACM SIGMETRICS (Full Paper), June 2018.

    5. Hour-Ahead Offering Strategies in Electricity Market for Power Producers with Storage and Intermittent Supply
      Lin Yang, Mohammad H. Hajiesmaili, Hanling Yi, and Minghua Chen.
      ACM SIGMETRICS (Extended Abstract), June 2017.

    6. Competitive online algorithms for geographical load balancing in data centers with energy storage
      Chi-Kin Chau, Lin Yang.
      Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Energy Efficient Data Centres. 2016.

    7. Stable tuning for random early detection algorithm
      Lin Yang, Jin Zhu, Wanqing Xie, and Xiaobin Tan.
      Chinese Control Conference (CCC),IEEE. July 2014.

    8. An adaptive resource reservation approach in packet-switched Wireless Mesh Networks
      Lin Yang, Jin Zhu, Liang Tang, Xita Hu, and Xiaobin Tan.
      Chinese Control Conference (CCC),IEEE. July 2013.


    1. Lin Yang, “Competitive and Regret Analysis for Online Optimization.“ [PDF]